Meet our Robots

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Lego Spike Prime

Combining colourful LEGO building elements, easy-to-use hardware, and an intuitive drag-and-drop coding language based on Scratch, SPIKE Prime engages the power of play to drive home key computational thinking skills.

Don’t let the fun colours fool you; these are some serious machines. The ‘brick’ is a computer in its own right; with incredible processing power and data collection methods these kits are the newest and most impressive addition to the LEGO Education family and our flagship robot.

SPIKE Prime gives students a fantastic opportunity to think critically and solve complex problems, regardless of their learning level. From 'beginner' projects to limitless creative design possibilities and the option to explore Python coding, participants will be guided through an incredible discovery and learning experience by our expert teachers.

We use brilliant SPIKE Prime to help our students develop the essential STEAM and 21st century skills they need to become the innovative minds of tomorrow - while having great fun and building confidence in learning!

Activities for 9-16 year olds.

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Lego we:do 2.0

Quick builds with almost limitless possibilities. These LEGO Education robotic kits unlock a child’s creativity in an intuitive, hands-on format that seamlessly combines engineering challenges with programming and a serious dose of fun and creativity.

WE:DO is controlled by a fantastic purpose made LEGO coding language and provides a great introduction into command and control, understanding motors and gears and using sensors. A partnership with Scratch means that they can pair perfectly with any of our Scratch coding courses.

These robots come with a clever little Smarthub, LED, motor, motion sensor, tilt sensor and a wide collection of familiar LEGO bricks and other building elements, ready for your students to unleash their imagination!

Activities for 6-11 year olds.


This delightful LEGO robotics kit is designed around playful narrative based problem solving which easily connect speaking and listening skills with creativity and computing skills.

Children are given a set theme which outlines a problem that they need to solve. They then build a create a solution to this problem using the LEGO pieces they have available. Children learn to integrate motors and sensors into the builds.

The children start by using visual based coding blocks and then progress to using word blocks similar to scratch. This means there is no barrier to children’s learning and fully supports children with SEND.

Activities for 7-11 year olds.


Sphero Sprk+

Sphero Sprk+ is a programmeable robot ball designed to inspire creativity and curiosity through coding and play bringing STEAM, computer science and robotics to life.

Children start to learn how to control this STEM robot by using a drive or draw system, they then progress to using word blocks.

Workshops develop children’s creativity through storytelling, problem solving, and/or engineering activities to fully engage children in the session.

Activities for 5-11 year olds.



Our first adventures into robotics, command and control begin with these brilliant KUBO Robots. These introductory robots are programmable through the fantastic ‘Tag Tile’ system using screen-free controls to teach algorithms, sequencing, functions and loops.

Don’t let their cute little faces fool you - these mini machines punch above their weight when it comes to learning potential. Problem solving challenges, direction, maths, PSHE and so much more can be tackled by these beautiful bots.

The KUBO Education system is our newest robot in our arsenal and we’re astounded by the in-depth learning afforded by this system. Perfect for introducing computing to Reception - Year 3 and beyond.

Activities for 4-7 year olds.

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LEGO education steam park and coding express

Lego Education’s first level of robotics begins with what looks - at first glance - like Duplo. But that’s not the end of it; these big bricks provide even bigger learning opportunities.

STEAM Park builds on every child’s natural curiosity and desire to create, explore and investigate. As children travel through a fun-packed curriculum and construct rides, games, and events together, they will naturally learn about gears, cause and effect, physical concepts and problem solving in an engaging way guaranteed to have them laughing – the possibilities really are endless. STEM LEGO activities at it’s best!

Sitting alongside STEAM park is LEGO Education’s Coding Express. This fun train-line comes with command bricks that introduce the idea of command and algorithmic thinking.

Activities for 3-6 year olds.


For enquiries and booking information

Sophie- 07813772856. or Briony - 07983171178


At Cognition Learning, we encourage design thinking cycles which refine and improve ideas. Actively embracing mistakes, seeing them as a pathway to success, our Learning Cycle is embedded across our robotics courses.

See how our robots can enhance and connect to your existing curriculum


First Lego League

WOuld you like to take part in the institute of Engineering’s first lego league? We can coach teams and lead your pupils in their robotics competitions.

FIRST® LEGO® League guides youth through STEM learning and exploration at an early age. From Discover, to Explore, and then to Challenge, students will understand the basics of STEM and apply their skills in an exciting competition while building habits of learning, confidence, and teamwork skills along the way.

The world wide FLL competitions offer your pupils the opportunity to compete regionally, nationally and internationally in robotics and design.

Give your school a true point of difference; incorporating robotics into your curriculum and giving a real life purpose to learning.


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