tinker. play. Learn

Some of our most valuable learning experiences take place through hands on activities. When children play and experiment, when they engage in problem solving, when time flies by without them noticing -that’s when the magic happens!


At Cognition our plan is to manufacture time. Time to experiment, explore, tinker and discover; time that often can’t be found inside a busy timetable or sandwiched into our home lives.

Our team of skilled teachers have designed experiences that will challenge and engage your children and students. Playful, imaginative and fun; their learning will integrate the newest technology seamlessly and meaningfully.

A foundation for real life

Our dedicated courses, workshops and experiences ask your child to think deeply. To dive into a question, make mistakes, and explore an idea.

We actively encourage and embrace failure.

So your experiment didn’t work out how you planned first time? Great!

Some of our most valuable lessons come through failure - and at Cognition there are no wrong answers. We love an opportunity to creatively examine what we might do differently to reach the outcomes we were hoping for.

We believe that interaction and collaboration with other children hugely heightens the learning process; affording the opportunity for collaboration and communication skills.

Although STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths) make up a large amount of the learning experiences on offer at Cognition, we love writing, languages, drama and music too and believe that creativity and interdisciplinary learning is key to enjoying learning.


Our Core Goals

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Founded on evidence based research

Our Learning Cycle and CoGs are fundamentally connected and based on current educational research and concepts. Designed and engineered to guide our pupils towards becoming 21st Century Learners and fostering skills and attributes that will help them in the future.